Deliver us the moon game length
Deliver us the moon game length

deliver us the moon game length

Your ASE serves as a faithful companion throughout the remainder of the game. At any time, you can take command of the ASE and use it to scout out an area, occasionally activating switches that are out of reach to open up doors and the like. One of your earliest objectives will be to recover and rebuild a broken ASE unit, a hovering drone roughly the size of a basketball. Fortunately, you won't be totally alone for long. A facility that once housed dozens of people is now entirely empty, save for yourself. You arrive at an eerily-empty Lunar colony. Deliver Us The Moon Review - ASE in the Hole (It also gave me flashbacks to Goldeneye​ 64.) In this instance, I'm opening up a duct so that I can send my ASE in to activate a switch. The cutting tool lets you cut open certain areas using a beam of energy. It is there that you will find a companion and begin to unravel the mystery behind Deliver Us The Moon.

deliver us the moon game length

A harrowing race against time takes place as you try to make it back to the orbital elevator and get yourself hooked in to descend down to the moon below. Just as you throw the lever, the station breaks apart and catapults you into space. Your ultimate goal is to start up the rotation engine so the station can spin and generate enough power to operate the orbital elevator. You have to solve a few puzzles by moving around Helium-3 canisters, occasionally dealing with a hilariously short oxygen supply of three minutes. The orbital elevator station is in a sorry state. Your first objective upon arrival is docking your ship with an orbital elevator. Carefully thrusting and counter-thrusting to get things just right makes this one of the more enjoyable bits of the game. Once you succeed, you'll blast off into outer space on a course towards the moon.

Deliver us the moon game length